Some educational encounters are intended to assist you with becoming smarter and some others well they do the exact opposite they make you more moronic yet what on the off chance that you don't know what these encounters are well don't stress my companion we're here to fix that here are 15 encounters that will make you stupider so how about we simply get right to it shall we

Number one doing the same

Thing again and again doing the same thing again and again isn't going to bring you various outcomes instead you'll obtain the same outcome again and again so doing this naturally keeps you from becoming Innovative yet this isn't all we understand that your occupation could expect you to repeat the same things again and again yet have you at any point considered doing the same thing in an alternate way this will teach you to become more Creative with an unbending cycle which in turn increases your degree of intelligence anyway assuming you choose to stay with the mundane course of repeating the same things you're inadvertently stunting your smarts

Number two always taking the easy way out

look we understand the reason why anyone would want to take the easy way not only does it mean you'd have to accomplish less work it also means you would invest less energy doing the work sounds great right well Taking the easy way out once or two times probably won't be a very remarkable issue yet when it's all you do imperative of the other options available to you well you have an issue always taking the easy way out recommends you would hardly go over challenges and a lack of challenges further proposes you won't learn anything new from the experience a troublesome way out isn't going to stop you from completing your task it's an opportunity to learn to develop and to Eventually turn out to be better at what you do

Number three multitasking

multitasking makes you feel as you're doing such a huge amount at the same time right when we multitask we can't help yet think of how long we're saving yet bad news for you multitasking is in fact doing more mischief than anything research from 2009 showed that multitaskers find it extremely challenging to pay attention it reworks your brain in a way that makes you less useful so what does this Mean for you in the long run while multitasking over a long timeframe will eventually lead to a decrease in your intelligence as your brain turns out to be less viable over the long haul

Number four having a fixed mindset

it's important to have severe values and a mindset that you live by yet you should also understand that it's completely okay for this mindset to change when you find something new about yourself you can adjust your mindset to fit this New disclosure anyway assuming you conclude that your ongoing mindset is the ideal one for you you'll feel there's no reason to be adaptable and you're doing yourself a colossal injury with this usually individuals with fixed mindsets find it extremely challenging to deal with failure they consider failure to be an attack on their intellectual capacity not as an opportunity to develop so rather than challenge this failure they avoid situations where they could fail Altogether an adaptable development mindset means you can make vital changes when necessary and learn new things along the way

Number five thinking you know everything

fun fact nobody knows everything no matter the way in which intelligent they may be it's technically difficult to know everything there is to know about everything except not knowing everything isn't really an issue we simply have to know enough in our picked Fields right When you start to accept that you know everything you're basically saying you don't have to learn anything new and with this mindset you will undoubtedly become More moronic in no time instead approach each situation kind of like a kid who knows nothing and you'll find new and interesting things like clockwork

Number six not showing up when it matters

would you show up when things find troublesome or not your solution to this Question will determine whether you become a smarter person or not when you appear during tough spots you are putting yourself in new and awkward situations and this immediately places your brain into overdrive your brain starts to think of innovative ways to eliminate you from this tough spot and this Factor gradually assists you with becoming smarter anyway when you fail to show up you free yourself of this chance to learn and in the event that it happens that you Always take off when it really matters it's only a matter of time before it starts to affect your degree of intelligence not to mention your relationships

Number seven staying up late

there's really no other way to say this except for staying up late is no longer cool and it just affects your body in a number of negative ways researchers have prescribed six to nine hours of rest for ourselves and anything under six hours will affect your thinking abilities have you at any point noticed how slow you feel after sleeping for only four hours around evening time that's exactly the way in which your thinking will become assuming that it continues for a drawn out timeframe

Number eight never saying no

very much like a lack of rest constant pressure can have colossal negative consequences for the human brain and what could lead to pressure the desire to always say yes on the off chance that you're the kind of person who doesn't Have the foggiest idea how to decline certain tasks it wouldn't be surprising to always feel worried eventually you won't have time for yourself your goals or your development and this could impact your intelligence in a lot of negative ways next time your chief or someone gives you a task that clearly isn't yours be striking enough to say no you aren't simply saving yourself from stress yet in addition preventing yourself from becoming worn out and preserving your intelligence

Number nine being the smartest in your group

we know what's on your mind how might being the smartest in my group make me moronic well as usual let us explain we should start off with understanding what being the smartest in your group means well most importantly it proposes there's basically nothing you can learn from individuals in this group secondly it kinda recommends that you're companions with individuals who aren't particularly Willing to work on themselves now these two factors have a profound impact on your intelligence being in this group could cause you to have a perception that you really know everything when in fact you actually have such a long way to go your social group straightforwardly influences your actions so on the off chance that your companions aren't willing to work on themselves it's only a matter of time before you become very much like them assuming that there is no development no hunger for knowledge and no new Encounters well you're unfortunately on your path to becoming Stupider

Number 10 limiting your Social Circle

having a small Social Circle recommends you interact with less individuals consistently yet did you had any idea that a constant conversation resembles a workout for the brain when you hold conversations with other individuals your brain is ordering your contemplations and feelings and then it converts these considerations into words in a language at the same time your brain is Making feeling of the words and body developments of the person you're talking to yet when you rarely have conversations because of how small your Social Circle is you are missing out on an activity that could make you way smarter interestingly a review from Oxford University showed that individuals with a larger social group utilize certain parts of their brain all the more habitually which in turn causes their brain to move forward to the challenge subsequently Making them smarter so limiting your Social Circle doesn't simply make you stupider it increases your chances of developing Dementia by 64%

Number 11 sticking to the same Hobbies

our brain is very much like the muscles in our body when you continually attempt new things it becomes stronger anyway when you do the same thing again and again your brain starts to consider this to be a routine and doesn't invest the same amount of energy your hobbies are Still up in the air there's no standard that says they aren't allowed to change ever in fact if you want to become smarter we advise you make changes to your hobbies regularly you love singing great what about delving into audio production you can attempt new hobbies each and every month and you wouldn't believe how impactful they'll be on your intelligence

Number 12. always fixating on negativity

when you're always complaining and whining about how much negativity you're Encircled by well you're actually making yourself a ton More idiotic assuming that you're the kind of person who complains about each and every thing your work your home your partner your life in general well you're not doing yourself any great in fact you're putting yourself at the gamble of physically damaging your brain really here's an interesting fact in 1996 a Stanford study showed that complaining for 30 minutes without stopping can actually physically damageThe brain yet you know what's more regrettable being complained too for 30 minutes straight also puts you at the gamble of brain damage now is this enough to make you stop complaining all the time we really trust so

Number 13 dismissing other ideas as stupid

your idea is great however it doesn't necessarily mean it's the best one in each room great individuals are the ones who regard the ideas and values of Others despite the fact that they could not necessarily agree with them less great individuals on the other hand are almost certain they have the most intelligent idea in the whole world so other ideas should simply be labeled stupid these people aren't available to the possibility of better ideas because they're loaded up with the impression that no one can reach theirs so what's the point to listen like you already speculated this will forestall the possibility of better ideas and the idiotic Individual in question will definitely be on the road to becoming More moronic

Number 14. always blaming others when something bad happens

to you is blaming other individuals or factors your instinctive response well assuming you answered yes to this you must accomplish some work on yourself my companion blaming others shows you're not ready to face whatever responsibility you have for your failure instead you want to accept it's the fault of someone else so there Wouldn't be any need to work on yourself right anyway on the other side taking a responsibility for your mistake drives you to grapple with what turned out badly and on the off chance that it was your blunder to make conscious endeavors to keep that from happening again at this point you would have learned something new that is you have become smarter than you were previously however assuming you choose to in any case point fingers rather than take responsibility for your action well you've prevailed with regards to making Yourself a little bit More moronic continuously

Number 15. always afraid of trying new things

assuming you're always afraid you will never attempt and on the off chance that you don't attempt you'll never know whether you would fail or prevail at something and come on the fear of failure ought not be the reason why you never attempt new things failure isn't the end it is essentially a part of the excursion arguably an important part of the excursion when you fail you dust yourself Back off and you get up and attempt again to avoid becoming More idiotic you have to accept that failure is a potential even a possible outcome at least a portion of the time and to feel free to attempt it anyway because otherwise you'll never know you'll never learn and there you have it 15 encounters that will undoubtedly make you stupider did any of these encounters prick you out of culpability don't feel attacked okay it's basically a poke to improve and did you read the article upUntil this point because provided that this is true you've opened a bonus

number 16. creating limitations sometimes

limitations are necessary yet when you create false limitations toward your Finance abilities or capabilities you're unconsciously selling yourself diminutive idiotic individuals become more moronic when they attach limits to their abilities meaning they are the ones stopping themselves from reaching their maximum capacity does that sound like you then You've gotta make a change right now  thank you for reading this article