Are You Actually HAPPY (15 Signs )


Are You  HAPPY

You know everyone's got a different thought of what happiness is and this loose definition can make it hard to understand people and relate with them some people find happiness in relationships and a contented family While others secure it in their positions growth of wealth and Freedom but through it all there are subtle signs that are common amongst cheerful people and while happiness cannot be measured it Can be noticed

Number one they value life

blissful people understand the importance of life and they seek value and equilibrium in it when they say life is short they don't see anything negative in that frame of mind instead it gives them a reason to carry on with their life to the fullest cheerful people get up in the first part of the day and count themselves fortunate for another day they Know that anything can happen tomorrow so they try not to waste there today by doing things that they love without regret

Number two they don't desire people's attention

cheerful people can feel great about themselves without being in the spotlight they're self-aware and considerate of others needs that's the reason the typical Hollywood domineering jerk is the person who's troubled but thrives on Causing other people to feel miserable they don't treat people like their kings and insist on encouraging them all the time people who are content with their life accept attention with restraint understanding its Frailty and absence of one of a kind value to put it simply they don't demand the admiration of others because their own admiration is sufficient

Number three they spend money

wisely despondent people think money can purchase happiness but it's a long way from the truth And they wind up purchasing things that only have temporary gratification but a cheerful person won't be stingy with their money either they just spend it on things that matter to them most when people are miserable they tend to spend their money on things that they accept would cure that unhappiness while those who are already blissful invest their money or purchase things that can be of actual use or value to them in fact you can presumably get a smart thought of how blissful Someone is based on the kinds of things they purchase

Number four they listen to their own feelings

happiness is a state that we can accomplish by understanding our desires and current position like other human emotions it's mostly affected by one's perception of self one thing you'll notice about cheerful people is they're in touch with themselves so while pursuing important choices they consider both rationality And their feelings knowing that making rational judgments without help from anyone else cannot result in happiness they strike a harmony between sentiment and reason they also take exhortation from their friends and family close friends and authorities yet they still settle on critical choices on their own

Number five they're humble and kind

despondent people are usually egotistical and devilish to those around them cheerful people are well the exact opposite They're usually humble in any event, when they're in a better position than others and they're kind even to strangers have you at any point noticed your blissful friends that are always ready to help you out on things you don't know well they'll get you through whatever it is without causing you to feel like you owe them for it cheerful people wind up having lots of friends and acquaintances because of their persona

Number six they take responsibility for their actions

Tell someone is blissful just by how they own up to their actions they do things they're glad for and glad to guard it just like every other person they all commit errors they can be languid sometimes and feel down but in the end they won't shift the fault for their weaknesses onto any other individual on the off chance that a cheerful person offends you it'll be more than able to apologize and admit their mistakes without any fuss

Number seven they surround themselves With positive things

cheerful people make their surroundings match their emotions from their preference for light-colored clothes to the type of music they listen to they're obsessed with light-hearted and motivating things they also stay with the of people who have a positive outlook on things they're ready to get positive energy and stay blissful even through trying times and not in the toxic positivity kind of way more like In the everything is temporary this too shall pass kind of way

Number eight they are supportive

Cheerful People rarely get jealous of those around them they're satisfied with themselves and their ability and they hope to help other people progress and develop that's the reason you can tell whether your companion is blissful or not since they've got control over their lives they're willing to help other people become better versions of themselves when a companion brings up some Great news blissful people will congratulate and celebrate with them they won't be sitting there wondering what about me and there certainly won't be any condescending remarks

Number nine they are energetic

and put the effort into their work cheerful people don't have that stuff of emotions that would burden you and make you awaken with the desire never to work consistently is a blessing and they Want to use it to the fullest they're typically extremely energetic and motivated and turn out to be consistent with their tasks a blissful collaborator will always be a pleasure to work with in any event, when they don't know something their eagerness to learn will make them easily teachable

Number 10 doesn't focus on material wealth

our society ties to wealth and material security to happiness but money doesn't actually give you joy it brings You comfort blissful people understand and know the things that fulfill them so that when you ask them what's the thing they want they never really mention things or money sure it'll be a plus to them but it's not their primary objective for Cheerful People material wealth is only a fraction of the things that are important to them and they'll often choose friendship their friends and family or treasured experiences over the opportunity to bring in some extra money

Number 11. they feel fulfilled and purposeful

ask your blissful companion what would you like to do you're at risk for getting an endless energetic expose on their plans cheerful people know what they want and regardless of how large or complicated things get they know their purpose and work toward it through all the chaos around them they typically have pleasant thoughts and aren't easily discouraged with regards to matters of their growth The dictionary defines fulfillment as the achievement of something desired so's it's easy to see the reason why Blissful People typically feel fulfilled

Number 12 they have Carefree smiles

a smile is the first and most obvious indication that someone is cheerful when you meet a blissful person for the first time you can typically tell right away assuming that they are to be sure actually blissful we instinctively try to measure others moods by taking a gander at their faces yes anyone Can counterfeit a smile when they're sad but it's never really as certifiable and carefree as blissful people do it take a gander at the eyes the eyes Won't ever lie

Number 13. they don't overdo the alcohol ism

is an issue in our society today because most people are upset about themselves or their position in life they resort to getting excessively smashed or high to take off from that truth so there's almost not a great explanation for someone who is really and consistently glad to Become addicted alcohol all by itself is not a terrible thing and cheerful people truly do know how to responsibly have fun with it but since they're not drowning away sorrow they know how to respect their limit and stay within it

Number 14. they're satisfied with their appearance

blissful people simply don't chase after beauty standards when they search in the mirror they love what they see and they accept their imperfections are what Compel them extraordinary you never see a cheerful person gripe about their skin being too light or too dim or their teeth not being as perfect as they need them to be a cheerful person understands the things that can't be changed and to transform they'll get to deal with getting it going

Number 15. they know how to enjoy moments

of happiness cheerful people know that they're blissful and they Relish at these times even with Every one of the activities and bustle of the day they find things that carry a smile to their face it's easy to get overpowered and dissatisfied by happenings that you can't control and in these situations Cheerful People remind themselves it'll eventually end and figuratively Count Their Blessings there are numerous veritable cheerful moments in life but not everyone can recognize them or notice them at the time happiness lies in our sincere feelings romantic relationships and numerous Other forms the possibility of Happiness Is Still poorly characterized by a lot of people some folks think it should happen naturally While others accept you have to work for it but contrary to prevalent thinking happiness is a habit rather than a personality trait you have to be careful with how you spend your time and intentionally choose what you focus on