The World Keeps evolving and personal finance does the same in the past there were rules of money that people followed and if talked about now would make no sense and it's not that they were bad but they just didn't stand the test of time following outdated money advice that has no place in our current economy can do a lot of harm to your finances you'd end up working a lot harder and still see little to no progress and if Used continuously they can be fatalistic to one's Financial growth and today we are talking about these outdated Money Rules

Number one you need a high paying job

to get rich people went to school to get the skills required to settle for a job get rich through working in that position for many years and make enough money to retire this model is a relic of the past And nowadays it's very hard to get rich from your salary alone today more people find themselves working multiple jobs just to pay the bills so how many hours of work would one need to become rich there are a few exceptions of course but in general nobody gets Rich simply on a salary alone

 Number two you need a formal education to make money

look around and there are many millionaires and billionaires that prove You do not need a college degree to be successful or make money college is an important aspect of people's lives but it's importance now is different from what it used to be in the past during the Industrial Age a formal education was needed to get the necessary skills and people to bring out the most qualified workers but nowadays critical thinking and Entrepreneurship are what drive the economy and you don't need the four walls of a classroom to gain skills In these areas to make money now you just need education not necessarily one from a big fancy Institution

 Number three you need to save for retirement

you'll have to live a pretty Frugal life to save enough money to have just a Frugal retirement as a result of the High Cost of Living and a generally longer life expectancy retirement savings aren't really what they used to be retirement savings are useful if you're an employee but it's best to have A retirement account where you divert some of your wages to regularly it should be noted though that money saved in retirement accounts can be invested and bring back more interest than you would get from your money sitting in just a simple account

Number four you need money to make money

money used to be the only leverage tool you could use to make more money but as things stand today there are new and unique ways to start projects and make Money without very much of it in the beginning most people believe this rule because they try to go really big all at once most small startups look for loans and credit lines to launch thinking that's the way you have to go but if you actually start small and leverage your services to gain traction you'll make money yes having startup capital is really helpful but it isn't as important as it's made out to seem nowadays people make money by coding systems providing Services and making content that is needed by others with little to no money required at the start

Number five work the same nine to five job for years

to be financially stable Once Upon a Time people finished college to be employed and their earnings were sufficient to let them lead a stable and prosperous life the longer they stayed in the role the more they earned with a healthy pension but today crippling student debt is the first thing adults Have to face and even with that there's little to no job security like there used to be in the past so to be financially stable you need to have side hustles or Investments and be prepared for the unexpected

Number six always pay with cash

now this rule was followed for many reasons it helped to manage the budget and it also helps you to get cheaper prices on Goods now yes it's good to avoid accumulating debt by sticking to Cash only however there are now a lot of benefits to paying with a credit card the benefits of using credit cards include fraud protection and cash back bonuses but its main advantage is the ease of purchasing things online

Number seven be debt free before you invest

people have always sought to be debt free before they invest but this outdated rule is more of a problem than an effective solution it's very hard to Get out of debt by simply working hard earning money and paying your dues you have to find a way to make your money work for you and investment is the way to do that so more often than not it's better to keep your debt aside and invest even small amounts so you'll be in a better position to complement your payments with your investment returns

Number eight have an emergency fund

that can last three months an emergency fund is a safety net for Unexpected situations and it's been a lifesaver for many people nothing ever really goes as planned so it makes sense to keep a substantial sum of money to guide against unforeseen circumstances but the pandemic has shown us that emergencies can be long term and that funds can easily be depleted so while three months is ideal to be on the safe side you should have funds that can last at least six months time

Number nine wait to buy low and sell

High everybody talks about buying low and selling high but if we're strictly to follow this mentality there will almost never be an opportunity to buy after all there's always a low price to the current market in fact if you look at the stock market and indexes after major crashes at some point it's almost always in an uptrend you should buy into the market when you're in the right position to do so because if you wait for the Market to go low you might end up sitting on the sidelines and missing out for years

Number 10 don't rent what you can buy

you've heard this before that if you can afford to buy something to buy it instead of renting it whenever you need it this goes from housing and real estate to Machinery cars just about everything understandably long-term ownership is good but it doesn't make much sense when You've got to start paying maintenance fees on something you don't use very often so if it's going to be used for a short period and you won't need it after that it's better off to just rent it instead

Number 11. don't pay someone to do something you can do yourself

in the 90s it was fairly normal for people to do different tasks and house chores on their own it was cost saving and everyone was encouraged to learn Practical skills but in our world now and with the amount of Technology that's been incorporated into everything it can be costly to fix things yourself when you can just pay a professional to do it also time is money and the time spent fumbling around with tasks could be used on more serious endeavors

Number 12 you need a financial advisor

to successfully invest in the past if you wanted to invest you needed a broker a financial advisor Sometimes an accountant and many other intermediaries with the turn of the century novel ways to trade profitably have adapted there are plenty of apps and websites out there you're fine without a financial advisor and you could also use robots and technical analysis remember though just always invest in things you actually understand

Number 13 make a certain amount of money at a certain age

range if you oversimplify things setting a Benchmark age to make an amount of money isn't that bad but instead of focusing on age you should instead set short-term and long-term goals that you can work toward gradually they're a much better yardstick for success and won't leave you feeling like you're a failure if you don't meet these arbitrary benchmarks

Number 14 only spend on the essentials

truly there are times when you need to cut back on your spending to have a better financial position in the past if It wasn't making any obvious benefit to your life you were advised not to purchase it but nowadays you're encouraged to spend on yourself once in a while it's easy to get caught up in trying to save every single penny but you end up depriving yourself of things so it's important to come up with a good balance so you feel like your needs and wants are still being met but you're not overdoing it and putting yourself into financial distress

 Number 15. your hobbies shouldn't make you money

we've all got Hobbies we dedicate our free time to in the past people were advised to separate their work from their Hobbies but nowadays hobbies are a great way to complement your work and bring in some extra cash While most of us don't encourage Hobbies with the intention of earning money some of them can develop into successful side hustles or even full-time hustles that provide a steady source of income and as You might have noticed none of these rules were outright wrong they just didn't age so well money plays an important role in our lives and as technology advances new ways to manage our finances will come up money rules that make sense to us now might be discarded in the future so we should always keep an open mind and be flexible in our financial decisions